My hands in their spotting glory.
The Friday after my second treatment I noticed I’d been scratching a spot on my left hand. Then there were some more spots on my right hand. By Saturday night, I was fully spotted and bright like a flocked Christmas tree with only red lights. Then there was itching. A good friend suggested soaking in a colloidal oatmeal bath. That helped! Thank you, Clair.
Once the nurses saw me for my third treatment they all knew that I needed prednisone, a steroid. Thankfully, the bright, red lights have dimmed after 7 days and I can step down the dose from eight to six pills a day. They surmised that it was caused by the immunotherapy but could not rule out one of the chemo drugs.
But wait! There’s more! A few nights ago my feet felt burning and that kept me from falling asleep. I assumed that somehow it was the still the rash causing it. To get to sleep on one of the nights, I placed my feet in a plastic container with colloidal oatmeal water, cold this time.
Today I got to see my oncologist before my fourth treatment. She confirmed that the rash is from the immunotherapy but that the burning sensation is from the Taxol chemotherapy causing neuropathy. Eek! 😬 I’ve read that capsaicin could help regenerate nerve growth. Maybe I’ll give that a try.
She decided to keep me on the immunotherapy since the prednisone is helping. There is a chance that my body will accept it better this time too. 🙏🏻 Please, please, and thank you body!
My hair is abandoning my head more evenly than I’d imagined. Yay for hats!
In other “Yay!” news, I still have an appetite and the tumors are even smaller. My bloodwork is also good and I got to have it drawn here on the island instead of taking another ferry trip. Plus, all these steroids have helped me keep up with work and deadlines.
Much love and thanks,
That looks painful 😟 I am also glad that the treatment is going well. You’re strong, I’m sure you will overcome this.
Keeping you in my practice and sending you more positive energy. 🙏❤️🙏
💕🙏🏻✨ Thank you so much, Minh!
Oofduh. That does not look pleasant. I have 2 days left on a regiment of prednisone to break a migraine cycle. It’s horrible all by itself. I can’t imagine how rough it is with everything else you are taking. You are a beast! Somehow I can never picture you not having an appetite so this doesn’t surprise me. Keep up the good work! Hopefully your body accepts the next treatment more easily.
Thinking of you daily.
Ha! It’s true. I can still eat. Yay! 😁 Thank you, Heather. Those migraines have got to go. My orders! Love, D’Arcy
Sending you much love and healing visualizations, D’Arcy!
Thank you my dear Nancy! And to Merla too. 🥰
OUCH looks so painful. Glad the prednisone helped. thanks for the update. Hugs
It wasn’t too bad, it looked worse than it was. It’s much, much better now. Thank you, Rose! 😘