New, Revised Treatment

June 10, 2023

Thursday, June 8 The revised treatment is actually not liposomal doxorubicin, it’s a similar drug, still red in color, called epirubicin. And this time, it worked! In the clinical trials, when participants had a reaction to doxorubicin/adriamycin, they would be given epirubicin.

If I understand the plan correctly I’ll have two more infusions, three weeks apart. Then I’ll have a recovery period, and then surgery. Somewhere in there will be an MRI to see what the tumors look like, ideally shrunk, and maybe an echocardiogram to make sure my heart is cool with all this chemo business.

Yesterday, Friday, June 9, with the premed steroids still coursing throughout my body and a day off from work, Matt and I took the opportunity to visit Meerkerk Gardens It’s about a half an hour north of us on the island. Here are a few photos:

A wonderful smelling flower!

I’m standing next to a grand, coastal redwood.

A view of Holmes Harbor.

Matt stands on a path, a redwood rises in the background behind him.

There are a few ponds at the gardens. Simple irises added bright pops of yellow amongst the lush green.

Find the silly person.



  1. So glad you still have the energy to stop and smell the “rhodis”…..

    Happy the newest treatment was less dramatic than the previous .

    • Ha! Yup. I had no idea they could smell so good. I’m wondering it that one is an azalea.

      Thank you, Heather!

  2. I believe it is an Azalea, I love their scent! Meerkerk Gardens is great, glad you had a trip out. Thanks for putting this out for us to follow, we’re rooting for you every day!

    • Ah ha! Good to know, thank you, Bill—for the expert plant knowledge and for the rooting. The pun may be intended 😁

  3. Wow only 30-minutes from your place, looks like paradise, and I can almost smell the azalea. Love you!

    • It was a delightful surprise to smell it. Thank you and I love you too, Toni dear!

  4. So wonderful to see you and Matt reap the gifts of nature as you wend your way through your healing journey. In times like this inspiration is to be found in lush places. Offering tranquility too many of us miss as we rush through our own mundane lives. May simple and profound blessings rain down on you both.

    • Thank you for ✨ sparkling ✨ my heart, 😌 my dear Carmen!

  5. so glad to hear the new treatment was tolerated. Nice to have a day off and enjoy nature. Take care. Hugs and prayers

    • Yes! It was a lovely day. I took Kirsten along with me virtually 😀. That made it fun too.

  6. Hey D’Arcy! Thinking of you. 👍

    • 💕 Thank you, Bill!

  7. Glad you enjoyed the flowers! Interesting to read these comments.where I’m from (Atlanta) I don’t remember either azaleas or rhodies as even having a smell!
    Wishing you much luck with this next phase in your course of treatment. Would love to know when your surgery will take place so I can be thinking of you💕 Hang in there!

    • Hi Ellen! Thank you for your kind words and thoughts! 😌 I think the surgery will be in late August or early September.

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